Journal of Applied Probability provides a forum for original research and reviews in applied probability. Its wide audience includes leading researchers in the many fields where stochastic models are used, including operations research, telecommunications, computer engineering, epidemiology, financial mathematics, information systems and traffic management.
For over four decades, the Journal of Applied Probability has provided a forum for original research and reviews in applied probability. Its wide audience includes leading researchers in the many fields where stochastic models are used, including operations research, telecommunications, computer engineering, epidemiology, financial mathematics, information systems and traffic management.
In 2016, Journal of Applied Probability moved to an alternate publishing platform. Journal issues published from 2011 through 2016 will remain in Project Euclid. Please visit the Applied Probability Trust website for access and subscription information.
Journal of Applied Probability
Print ISSN: 0021-9002Online ISSN: 1475-6072
Current: Dec 2016 : Volume 53 Issue 4
Coverage: 2011 - 2016
Frequency: Irregular
Access: Available by subscription only.